Hi! I’m Michele, and I’m so excited you’re here.

Fun Fact: I’m a fourth generation photographer. Taking photos is something I grew up around and has always brought joy. My great-grandmother was a nature photographer. My grandfather owned a camera store and did photography in his hometown.

My first love is children; I have a Master of Education and have taught in primary schools for the past thirteen years. This creative journey found me after having children and wanting to capture all the beautiful, messy moments that are all too fleeting.

Besides my amazing family, I love sappy romance novels and period dramas, vegetarian burritos and organising things. In addition to that, the why of it all is capturing the simple beauty of the everyday for others. Give me all the giggling smiles, the soulful eyes and messy hands. Show me your silly, your heartfelt, your real. A session when the kids can be kids and the whole family can enjoy time together.

With all our family living across the globe, I know how special taking the photos are, not just for you but for your families. My biggest hope is that I can deliver images that bring a smile to your face, now and in the future. Let me show you the beauty of your now.

Taking photographs to capture a thousand words and all the love.

  • Brisbane family photo in city street against a mural

    "you are a genius, so many good photos"

  • family sitting on rocks at the beach at sunset

    the photos are just magic - beautiful memories kept forever

  • black and white man and woman hands clasped

    Amazing. Loved it and would do it again.

  • a group of people with two children on shoulders looking up at tree canopy

    "We are so lucky we got those photos as they will be cherished forever."